Monday 24 March 2014

Drag Youth Poster

I wanted to play on a 1980's pop art theme. I wanted to pick something that represented the "face of drag in youth culture". I used a playful font that can be seen in BBC3 style teen programmes along with a colour scheme that represented both the drag culture and the youth culture. I thought this image is quite shocking and eye-catching which are important factors to consider when advertising a programme. To make this poster I used Adobe Photoshop on my Macintosh.

Friday 21 March 2014



 For my TV and broadcasting project I was asked to get into a group and create a short film and write a journal on my progress. Overall I was pleased with our finishing project. I believe I made a huge contribution to the filming, writing and editing as the director of the show. We quickly got started on filming as we where sure of the short film we where going to create. Nevertheless we struggled at times with group communication but still connected as a team. As a group we have not had a lot of experience in filming but I have had some previous experience with PremierPro, which helped a lot. We worked well during post-production which in theory made us a lot more organised if we had not been. 

 It was important for us to gather some inspiration and looking through YouTube clips for Drag interviews and other interview techniques. I wanted to give a twist to the normal adult drag scene and focused on young people and their views so it would be suitable for platforms such as BBCThree on TV or younger YouTube watchers.

We did all our filming in two nights as we needed to, to keep it consistent. We did not want to have any continuity errors. One problem we faced after filming is that when I put it into iMovie is that the audio and lighting was different for each clip. This was something that was quickly resolved. I also found that I had to cut down a lot of the clips so it didn't drag on and would keep viewers interested.

The last parts of editing we had to make sure we where all happy with the finished product and got some feedback on how to improve it. I decided having an instrumental of one of Beyonce's songs would be extremely relevant as she is such a big name in the drag community. Nevertheless I did not want a song that overpowered the content. 

I believe that the video would be good as a viral video on social networking sites. Overall I have learnt documentary skills  and improved my teamwork as well as my editing skills. I really enjoyed the task and look forward to the next challenge

Thursday 13 March 2014

Today in my workshop I was told by my lecturer that I need to pack it out more before the due date so need to come up with ideas quickly that I can film and edit efficiently.

Some ideas

  1. Film more drag queens and get there views on what life is like having the hobby
  2. Film more opposite views. Get people who do not understand or agree with the culture
  3. Get more footage of Soho, which is a huge place for Drag
  4. Possibly add some history on drag and how it has evolved as a culture
  5. Film some performances from Madame Jojo's


I am in my final week of production and it is important I have all the footage I need as well as edited so I can hand it in efficiently and on time on a DVD. I need to upload a time-lapse of a drag artist putting on make up as well as some performance footage of the show on to the film.

I feel as though I have done a good job and worked to the best of my ability even during hard times. I asked my lecturer for feedback and he told me I needed to cut the interviews down and possibly lower the footage audio when the interviews start.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Our Logo

Finding a font for our Logo

In order to create a good logo I had to find a good font. This is how I did it.

First I went on to and searched through the logos till I found something decent.

Then I downloaded the font file to my computer then clicked install font.

Here is my font book with the new font installed

Opposite Views

It is important for my documentary I film someone who has negative views on the Drag culture. I found a friend of mine who is against it. He will come across as ignorant and rude but I think shock factor is very important in a documentary. Again, I asked questions that would allow him to expand so I can cut my voice out. I think it will be a good idea to maybe cut in-between two different people with opposite arguments to almost create a conversation/argument effect. This will help break up the interview as well as help it flow.

Monday 10 March 2014

Edit drafts

 I thought it would be a good idea to get on with editing clips from my filming so I was more organized for my final edit

Here is some examples of how I cut the clips so I only had the necessary bits for the programme. This helps to make the programme more smoothly instead of just block content.

 Some problems I had to overcome where issues such as difference in audio level from one clip to the next. To solve this issue I had to indivdually change the level of the audio on both the music and voice individually.

 The other issue I was faced with is the lighting difference but I was told this could be resolved using final cut. Software I am not used to but am willing to learn.

First Day of Filming

 Today I filmed performers in the Tranny Shack academy at Madame Jojo’s about the drag life and the misconceptions about drag. The interviewees where great to work with and gave me answers that included the question so I am able to cut out my voice so it seems like they are just talking to the viewer. Unfortunately I got no footage of the actual performance but have put it as a priority to make sure I have some footage of the performances. When I edit I think it will be a good idea to blend in the interview audio with the performance visual and cut back and forth.  I used a steady cam with no tripod so was a tiny bit shaky but gave it a good effect. The footage and audio came out well so I am pleased, considering it wasn’t a great camera.

I filmed even the bus journey home to get as much footage as possible. This lets me get more natural shots and even a hint of humor. Tomorrow I am going to start organizing the clips that will be good for the documentary. I decided that It may be a good idea to get a time-lapse of the change between man to drag queen to elaborate on how much work goes into the ‘art’

Getting To Know People I Will Use In Drag Youth

 Miss Jayzabel out of Drag
 Miss Jayzabel & Honey Foxx

 Yacine the opposite argument
 People in the first scene
 Honey Foxx
 Miss Jayzabel
 Miss Honey Foxx
 Elliot (Drag artists boyfriends)
Yacine (opposite argument)

Location Scouting

It was very important for me to find a good place so I can get an idea of the drag culture

My friend recommended Madame JoJo's on a Wednesday where they do Tranny Acadamy
Here is a paragraph from the website.


Madame Jojo’s Trannyshack Academy 2014, hosted by The Very Miss DUSTY O - Season 3
London's most talked about drag , talent competition ‘ Madame JoJo’s Trannyshack Academy hosted by The Very Miss Dusty O' starts on Feb 12th at Trannyshack at Madame JoJo's. This year's show is even more special as it is being televised for London Live Tv's “Life's a drag”  produced by the Connected Set. Each week our contestants will be put through a variety of tasks to highlight their skills mentored by 4 of the top names in the game.

Each Wednesday at Trannyshack they go live in front of a club full of people who get to vote who goes. With Drag Queens from all over the country this competition is the highlight of Trannyshack's season of entertainment. Expect tantrums and tiara's and a whole lot more in our 8 weeks of finals culminating in a live show with a 4 piece band for the final where the audience decided who wins the coveted prize of becoming an official Trannyshack Girl and winning a series of dates in some of the most prestigous drag events in the capital. Highlights of this year’s weekly tasks and evictions will be broadcast on the Madame JoJo’s every Sunday at 6pm.

Getting Started

 Today I got into a group with Issy Vine and pitched my idea to her and she, along with my lecturer said the idea was fantastic. We then drew up a schedule to meet the deadline and a list of equipment that we will need. I told her about the drag nights on a Wednesday and she agreed to attend them with me to help me film. We also decided that every Thursday the day after the drag nights we would edit the footage. In order to shoot we will need a camera and we both have one. I also told Issy I can use editing software fairly well so we didn't have to waste too much editing time learning it. I had to approach the people I am going to film and pitch the idea to them so they feel comfortable and prepared for the filming. I also looked in to some influence for my documentary and came across a couple of videos that where similar to what I was tying to achieve.

This video is very close to the type of video I want to achieve. It involves footage of performance and interview questions.

This is an interview with Willam Belli on his drag lifestyle which gives me a good insight on what questions to ask

Initial Idea

Initial Idea
 At my first workshop I was given a project to come up with a short programme idea.

My idea is to highlight the attitudes of the boys in drag to the boys who are against it.

I particularly want to aim it at the 15-24 age group as well as filming that age as I don't want it to be a broad spectrum of drag but concentrate on the younger performers. 

My programme will be suitable for channels such as BBCThree or Channel 4 due to its controversial & cultural content. I also think the video will be suitable for video sites such as YouTube.

I have friends who are in the drag scene as well as those who are against it so getting the people wont be an obstacle. I will have to get permission papers to say that they agree on being filmed and footage being shown.

Originally I was going to focus my documentary on one drag queen but I then more people where interested so I thought getting information via interviews will give me more content.

I will go to Madame Jojo’s every Wednesday where my friends perform and get in-depth interviews and footage of the perfomances and cut them down using iMovie or PremierPro as this is the software I am more comfortable.