Friday 21 March 2014



 For my TV and broadcasting project I was asked to get into a group and create a short film and write a journal on my progress. Overall I was pleased with our finishing project. I believe I made a huge contribution to the filming, writing and editing as the director of the show. We quickly got started on filming as we where sure of the short film we where going to create. Nevertheless we struggled at times with group communication but still connected as a team. As a group we have not had a lot of experience in filming but I have had some previous experience with PremierPro, which helped a lot. We worked well during post-production which in theory made us a lot more organised if we had not been. 

 It was important for us to gather some inspiration and looking through YouTube clips for Drag interviews and other interview techniques. I wanted to give a twist to the normal adult drag scene and focused on young people and their views so it would be suitable for platforms such as BBCThree on TV or younger YouTube watchers.

We did all our filming in two nights as we needed to, to keep it consistent. We did not want to have any continuity errors. One problem we faced after filming is that when I put it into iMovie is that the audio and lighting was different for each clip. This was something that was quickly resolved. I also found that I had to cut down a lot of the clips so it didn't drag on and would keep viewers interested.

The last parts of editing we had to make sure we where all happy with the finished product and got some feedback on how to improve it. I decided having an instrumental of one of Beyonce's songs would be extremely relevant as she is such a big name in the drag community. Nevertheless I did not want a song that overpowered the content. 

I believe that the video would be good as a viral video on social networking sites. Overall I have learnt documentary skills  and improved my teamwork as well as my editing skills. I really enjoyed the task and look forward to the next challenge

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