Monday 10 March 2014

Getting Started

 Today I got into a group with Issy Vine and pitched my idea to her and she, along with my lecturer said the idea was fantastic. We then drew up a schedule to meet the deadline and a list of equipment that we will need. I told her about the drag nights on a Wednesday and she agreed to attend them with me to help me film. We also decided that every Thursday the day after the drag nights we would edit the footage. In order to shoot we will need a camera and we both have one. I also told Issy I can use editing software fairly well so we didn't have to waste too much editing time learning it. I had to approach the people I am going to film and pitch the idea to them so they feel comfortable and prepared for the filming. I also looked in to some influence for my documentary and came across a couple of videos that where similar to what I was tying to achieve.

This video is very close to the type of video I want to achieve. It involves footage of performance and interview questions.

This is an interview with Willam Belli on his drag lifestyle which gives me a good insight on what questions to ask

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