Monday 10 March 2014

First Day of Filming

 Today I filmed performers in the Tranny Shack academy at Madame Jojo’s about the drag life and the misconceptions about drag. The interviewees where great to work with and gave me answers that included the question so I am able to cut out my voice so it seems like they are just talking to the viewer. Unfortunately I got no footage of the actual performance but have put it as a priority to make sure I have some footage of the performances. When I edit I think it will be a good idea to blend in the interview audio with the performance visual and cut back and forth.  I used a steady cam with no tripod so was a tiny bit shaky but gave it a good effect. The footage and audio came out well so I am pleased, considering it wasn’t a great camera.

I filmed even the bus journey home to get as much footage as possible. This lets me get more natural shots and even a hint of humor. Tomorrow I am going to start organizing the clips that will be good for the documentary. I decided that It may be a good idea to get a time-lapse of the change between man to drag queen to elaborate on how much work goes into the ‘art’

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