Monday 10 March 2014

Initial Idea

Initial Idea
 At my first workshop I was given a project to come up with a short programme idea.

My idea is to highlight the attitudes of the boys in drag to the boys who are against it.

I particularly want to aim it at the 15-24 age group as well as filming that age as I don't want it to be a broad spectrum of drag but concentrate on the younger performers. 

My programme will be suitable for channels such as BBCThree or Channel 4 due to its controversial & cultural content. I also think the video will be suitable for video sites such as YouTube.

I have friends who are in the drag scene as well as those who are against it so getting the people wont be an obstacle. I will have to get permission papers to say that they agree on being filmed and footage being shown.

Originally I was going to focus my documentary on one drag queen but I then more people where interested so I thought getting information via interviews will give me more content.

I will go to Madame Jojo’s every Wednesday where my friends perform and get in-depth interviews and footage of the perfomances and cut them down using iMovie or PremierPro as this is the software I am more comfortable. 

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